Bendigo Bank Lara Community Enterprise Grant initiative
The Community Bank Lara District, Lara's Bendigo Bank have been providing unbelievable support to our golf club through their Community Investment Program since 2016.
The Lara Golf Club has been able to undertake its infrastructure expansion solely because of the support of the Community Bank Lara District Lara's Bendigo Bank Grants program.
Our golf club has been awarded by the Community Bank Lara District Lara's Bendigo Bank Grants program a grant to upgrade four of our golf carts from lead acid batteries to lithium. The batteries in these four carts have reached the end of their effectiveness. The new batteries will be effective for the next five to ten years.
The grants the Lara golf club and the wider Lara community receives are only made possible by the Community banking with the Community Bank Lara District. Lara's local Bendigo Bank does everything the other big banks do but it does an important thing the other four don't do it financially supports our community. The Lara Golf Club banks with the Bendigo Bank and it would be great if you were able to bank with them as well. Banking is their business community is their passion.
The Lara Golf Club has been able to undertake its infrastructure expansion solely because of the support of the Community Bank Lara District Lara's Bendigo Bank Grants program.
Our golf club has been awarded by the Community Bank Lara District Lara's Bendigo Bank Grants program a grant to upgrade four of our golf carts from lead acid batteries to lithium. The batteries in these four carts have reached the end of their effectiveness. The new batteries will be effective for the next five to ten years.
The grants the Lara golf club and the wider Lara community receives are only made possible by the Community banking with the Community Bank Lara District. Lara's local Bendigo Bank does everything the other big banks do but it does an important thing the other four don't do it financially supports our community. The Lara Golf Club banks with the Bendigo Bank and it would be great if you were able to bank with them as well. Banking is their business community is their passion.